Paco Rabanne perfume Olympéa Aqua

Paco Rabanne perfume Olympéa Aqua
Paco Rabanne perfume Olympéa Aqua
Paco Rabanne perfume Olympéa Aqua

Paco Rabanne is more than just a designer. He is an accomplished artist who enjoys taking his audience with him into his universe. Also, each of its releases is eagerly awaited since it tells us a new story. The latest is that of the birth of a mythical couple. On the one hand, we find the athlete Invictus, symbolizing physical strength.

On the other hand, it is rather the power of the spirit via the goddess Olympea . The success was immediate and the two essences are already the house’s bestsellers. Also, the year 2016 promises to enchant you since Olympéa will see the birth of a variation. Olympéa Aqua will see the light of day in a few weeks and will be even fresher than its eldest child.

Olympéa Aqua, a fragrance made up of legends

Olympéa Aqua is like the previous version. It is very feminine and refined, to the point that it looks like it came straight from the mountain of the gods. Also, not content with having rigorously chosen his ingredients, Paco Rabanne decided to enclose symbols in them. Olympéa Aqua is based on the alliance of three ingredients. On the one hand, there is salted vanilla. This raw material perfectly embodies the Olympéa woman. Indeed, according to legend, the smell of vanilla would excite ambition and increase physical and intellectual activity. It would strengthen the will and fight weariness. Paco Rabanne invites us to unravel the mystery … It is therefore here that Olympéa would draw all its strength and daring.

Added to this is ambergris. Olympéa asserts all its prestige by using this element from New Caledonia and used exclusively in luxury perfumery given its rarity and its price. Finally, cashmere wood finishes off sublimating this trio. Its scents are woody, soft and sensual. Then, its pronounced character is also reflected by the presence of ginger. This element combines with a hint of petitgrain leaf as well as the burst of Calabrian bergamot. Beyond its intense freshness, legend has it that this fruit would appear on full moon nights, thus indicating the place where fairies are born … Olympéa is like Paco Rabanne, we like it. tell many stories.

A dive in the thermal baths of Olympus seen by Paco Rabanne

Paco Rabanne - Olympéa Aqua
Paco Rabanne – Olympéa Aqua

The bottle of Paco Rabanne is in the image of the muse of the brand Luma Grothe: it immediately imposes its strength and its nobility. Its design is still the one imagined by Marc-Ange in 2015, combining the timeless attributes of power with very strong art-deco codes. It is very feminine and is adorned with pink undertones. In addition, it is further enhanced by a jewel stopper and a rose gold setting. At the same time, the laurels which surround Olympéa, worked in gadroons, draw the wings of victory and are an emblematic ancient symbolism.

The big difference with its previous version is rather in its glass. Indeed, once perfectly smooth and transparent, this time it is covered with a fine blurred film. It’s a bit as if he took us with him to the thermal baths of Olympus, where we left Luma Grothe in 2015. The atmosphere is soothing and a light veil of condensation comes to bead on the marble walls. rose as well as on the sides of the Olympéa Aqua bottle. Its perfumed smell emanates from these divine baths. It comes to our noses and has not finished intoxicating us.

The Invictus fragrance will also have a little brother with the simultaneous launch of Invictus Aqua .

Expbux Fragrances!