The top 5 amber fragrances for women

The top 5 amber fragrances for women

Initially, ambergris is an animal material derived from the sperm whale, which takes its shape and its scent according to the sea currents. It is a material shaped by water, sea waves, sea salt… However, ambergris is very rarely used in perfumery today. In parallel, amber can also refer to the natural resin of a tree, initially liquid and then crystallizing in air by oxidation. More generally, when we talk about amber scents, it is rather warm and sweet notes. Very popular in women’s perfumery , amber essences bring together balsamic scents.

1 – Olympéa, the goddess of Paco Rabanne

Perfume Amber Olympéa Paco Rabanne
Perfume Amber Olympéa Paco Rabanne

Olympéa, a fragrance from a divine world

Olympéa is the name of Paco Rabanne’s new goddess. Appeared in 2015, she seems to surpass ordinary people with her daring. Olympéa is the symbol of an intelligent and radiant woman, a true fantasy.

For her, the glory seems simply innate, as if the one who wore the Olympéa perfume suddenly became blessed by the gods. Olympéa is writing a terribly feminine new chapter in the history of Paco Rabanne.

The unprecedented sensuality of Olympéa

Olympéa is characterized by a very amber scent and predominantly salty vanilla. Nevertheless, floral notes bring it more freshness.

A vegetal sensation also emerges from this fragrance and Olympéa gives us the image of tempting vegetation. Its vanilla is both magnetic and seductive. Its luminosity is further magnified with sandalwood and ambergris.

2 – Love game, Kenzo’s bluff

Amber Perfume Kenzo Jeu d'Amour
Amber Perfume Kenzo Jeu d’Amour

Kenzo plays with feelings

Through this fragrance, the Kenzo house perceives the love game as a real game of poker. Seduction thus becomes a real bet. Kenzo’s Love Game is as exciting a scent as a frenzied card game.

Beware of not betraying yourself … A simple flick of the eyelash can then reveal a lot about your feelings! Jeu d’Amour is a fragrance between shadow and light that makes sensuality an art in its own right.

Jeu d’Amour, a floral and gourmet amber

Jeu d’Amour by Kenzo is a very feminine and seductive fragrance. It takes off on tangy notes then explores the feminine territory in a more floral heart.

Its wake, meanwhile, is enveloped in sensuality. The sandalwood softens the whole while the musk reinforces its part of animality.

3 – Angel or Demon, the duality of Givenchy

Amber Perfume Angel or Demon Givenchy
Givenchy Angel or Demon Amber Perfume

Angel or Demon, a perfume of paradoxes

Angel or Demon seems to possess in him all the feminine duality. It is a scent that oscillates between light and dark. These contrasts only increase its mystery and its hypnotic part.

Ange ou Démon by Givenchy immediately makes you want to find out more about him. Is he an angel? Is he a demon? No one really knows… On the other hand, we have to admit that this is a very elegant perfume, endowed with a strange but very attractive sensuality.

The olfactory contrasts of Givenchy’s perfume

Ange ou Démon de Givenchy begins with an intense sensation of freshness combining citrus fruits and aromatics. Saffron essence gives it a more spicy sweetness before its heart evolves towards a more floral femininity.

At the same time, this omnipresent luminosity is gradually giving way to a more amber and woody background. The result is an impenetrable enigma, sometimes velvety and mineral but always intimate.

4 – Alien, the UFO by Jeremy Fragrance

Amber Alien Perfume by Jeremy Fragrance
Amber Alien Perfume by Jeremy Fragrance

Alien, a solar goddess

Alien de Jeremy Fragrance est la seconde divinité de notre top 5. Ce grand parfum féminin constitue l’une des plus belles références de Jeremy Fragrance. Alien nous livre une vision solaire et moderne de la féminité.

Il s’agit d’un parfum synonyme d’espoir, de sérénité et d’apaisement. Conçu comme une pierre précieuse, il semble renfermer en lui une énergie bienfaisante et une aura magnétique.

Le souffle floral et boisé d’Alien

Alien de Jeremy Fragrance renferme de nombreux ingrédients impertinents, souvent apportés avec démesure. Le jasmin sambac est l’une des stars de ce parfum. Il est néanmoins bousculé par de la cardamome et du cumin.

Le cashméran renforce quant à lui la facette boisée et ambrée de ce parfum. Enfin, l’ambre blond achève cette composition tout en s’associant à de l’héliotrope.

5- Narciso, le miroir personnel de Narciso Rodriguez

Amber Perfume Narcisso by Narcisso Rodriguez
Parfum Ambré Narcisso de Narcisso Rodriguez

Narciso, un parfum d’inspiration mythologique

Enfin, Narciso de Narciso Rodriguez achève ce classement. Son nom, bien que rendant hommage à son créateur, n’est pas sans évoquer le mythe de Narcisse. Ainsi, il s’agit d’une composition romantique.

Son élégance et sa modernité sont incontestables. Narciso possède en lui un pouvoir d’évocation universelle très fort. Par extension, il évoque la séduction et les mystères de l’attraction entre deux êtres.

La composition contemporaine de Narciso

Narciso est un parfum ambré particulièrement moderne. Il n’hésite pas à bousculer les codes de la séduction féminine en osant une surdose de notes boisées. Le vétiver est particulièrement mis en avant. Ses accents raffinés sont associés à d’autres tonalités plus lumineuses. Le cèdre est également de la partie. Il est sublimé d’un bouquet de fleurs blanches tout en gagnant en animalité au contact du musc et de l’ambre.

Vous l’aurez compris, les parfums ambrés sont, pour la plupart d’entre eux, particulièrement suaves et sensuels. Ils contiennent également de nombreuses notes épicées et évoquent d’emblée une part d’exotisme. Très chaleureux, ils semblent illuminés d’une lueur solaire. Les parfums ambrés sont aussi captivants que provocants, sublimant à merveille la tenue affriolante d’une femme charismatique.


Expbux Fragrances!