Rose Flash Parfum Extrait



Rose Flash Parfum Extrait is a fragrance by Tauerville. The notes of this fragrance are

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While we’ve never had trouble getting excited about a new fragrance from Andy Tauer, we have to admit we weren’t sure exactly what might make the first entry from Tauerville different from the flagship Tauer Perfumes we know and love. But then we tried the immaculately composed, surprisingly naturalistic Rose Flash, a fragrance quintessentially Andy Tauer in its reverence for both subject and wearer but made with an entirely different sort of artistic flourish, and we instantly understood. Whether you’ve loved everything he’s ever made or not, or if you simply love a beautifully constructed rose scent, Rose Flash is not to be missed.
As part of the grand Tauerville experiment, it is Mr. Tauer’s wish not to list the notes, rather, to let the fragrance speak for itself. But what we can tell you is that Rose Flash is a tribute to the gorgeous fullness of a rose still growing- spicy, creamy, green, luscious, all aligned in a wonderful balance that never isolates any of these disparate elements but rather allows them to shine through together. An ambery woodsiness sings in concert with a perky burst of citron, keeping the lively and the swoon-worthy dancing in harmony, never eclipsing the very true rose notes that project with dignified strength and last for hours. We never bet against Andy Tauer, but even we didn’t realize just how unique and compelling the Tauerville line could be. A must try.

Rose Flash Parfum Extrait
Rose Flash Parfum Extrait

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