Incense Flash Eau de Parfum


Fragrance notes

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Incense Flash Eau de Parfum is a fragrance by Tauerville. The notes of this fragrance are Leather, musky woods, ambergris, incense

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For the third entry in his joyfully creative Tauerville project, Andy Tauer turns his attention to an ingredient that his primary line has ample familiarity with: incense. And while Incense Flash’s woods-and-incense motif seems to cover some familiar ground, we’re pleased to report that this earthy, leathery, compulsively sniffable scent walks a deft line between comfortable and creative, with ample appeal for lovers of Andy’s previous incense work and newcomers alike.
As would befit a fragrance named Incense Flash, the incense buzzes from the very first spray, dry enough to bring out the natural earthiness of the Boswellia Serrata incense used, but supplemented with a subtly musky, woodsy sharpness- dare we say a hint of the famous Tauer signature? As Incense Flash dries, the incense lingers, now paired against a wonderfully evocative leather- rough and dusty, yet as it dries increasingly supple and smooth. What now lasts for hours is a new reference for incense scents, less forest, painter’s studio or bazaar and more starlit, high desert vista. Distinct, compelling and easy to wear, Incense Flash is at once uniquely an Andy Tauer creation- and also something altogether new.

Incense Flash Eau de Parfum
Incense Flash Eau de Parfum

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