Black Gardenia Perfume Oil


Fragrance notes

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Black Gardenia Perfume Oil is a fragrance by Michele Bergman. The notes of this fragrance are floral

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Like floating in and out of a dream. The blossom may be snow-blind white, but there is something deeply mysterious in the soul of gardenia and this silken oil blend captures it. Initially intense, Black Gardenia softens and becomes exquisitely fresh as it warms on your skin. The beguiling heady sweetness of the beloved flower is rendered with a haunting delicacy and touched with the barest whisper of dark intentions. Like the lilt of the sirens song or the fragile glow of a will o’ the wisp, this fragrance reminds us that something extremely beautiful can also be extremely dangerous.

Black Gardenia Perfume Oil
Black Gardenia Perfume Oil

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